Issue Template

⛑️ Issue Template

## Prerequisites
Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue. **YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.**
- [ ] I am running the latest version
- [ ] I checked the documentation and found no answer
- [ ] I checked to make sure that this issue has not already been filed
- [ ] I'm reporting the issue to the correct repository (for multi-repository projects)
## Issue Type
[ ] Bug Report
[ ] Feature Request
[ ] Question
## Description
[Provide a clear and concise description of the issue or request. If it's a bug, describe the unexpected behavior. If it's a feature request, explain the new functionality you're proposing. For questions, clearly state your question.]
## Steps to Reproduce (if applicable)
1. [Step 1]
2. [Step 2]
3. [Step 3]
4. [Include as many steps as necessary to reproduce the issue, if applicable]
## Expected Behavior
[Describe what you expected to happen.]
## Actual Behavior
[Describe what actually happened.]
## Environment Information
- **Operating System**: [e.g., Windows 10, macOS 11.3, Ubuntu 20.04]
- **Browser (if applicable)**: [e.g., Chrome 98.0.4758.102, Firefox 98.0]
- **Application Version/Commit (if applicable)**: [e.g., v2.1.0 or Git commit hash]
## Screenshots (if applicable)
[Include screenshots or images that help illustrate the issue, if applicable.]
## Additional Information
[Include any additional information that might be relevant to understanding or resolving the issue.]
**By submitting this issue, I confirm that I have read and understood the project's guidelines, and I believe this is not a duplicate of an existing issue.**


After completing this template, submit your Issue to the designated issue tracking system or contact the development team via the appropriate communication channels.

Thank you for helping us improve our projects!